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Reviewed by MobileRevewsEh Read more
May 17, 2016
Reviewed by Pensare Mac Read more
Surely you don’t own a fancy DSLR, that’s why you are here. Isn’t it? Anyways my friend, who needs a DSLR when your iPhone is much capable of capturing surreal photos for you. It is an old saying, “the best camera is one you have with you” and your iPhone...
Many of us have stopped using traditional cameras since the rise of smartphones. After all, the best camera is the one you have with you, and you always have your iPhone with you. But if you miss the look, feel, and flexibility of a dedicated camera, bitplay has a solution...
Reviewed by AppleNaYouTube Read more
Reviewed by iPhoneBrasil22 Read more
Reviewed by Want.nl Read more
If you had asked me years ago to do an iPhone camera case review, I probably wouldn’t have taken you seriously though I had full knowledge that I’d eventually do them. Fast forward a while, and here I am: and enjoying the heck out of it. One of those cases...
Reviewed by Unbox Therapy Read more
現今,手機取代了生活拍照的大部分需求,用手機拍出好照片的巧思,來自於攝影者本身的眼光,變化豐富的色調處理,各種有趣的APP拍照搭配等,但還有更有趣的玩法,就是更換各種外接鏡頭,如廣角鏡頭、望遠鏡頭甚至裝上魚眼鏡頭,來營造APP軟體所達不到的拍照效果。 Read more
In this video we are taking a look at the BitPlay SNAP! PRO. It's a professional camera case for the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s. We have the premium package right here! Read more
Here's another unboxing video of a unique camera phone accessory, the Bitplay Snap! Pro. This iPhone 6s case and lens kit is the latest trend to help iPhone and smartphone photographers come closer to a ILC (interchangeable lens camera) system. No this will not equal a proper ILC camera and...
雖然說現在手機已經取代了許多攝影的需求,但我想喜歡攝影的朋友看到漂亮的風景,還是想要來更換個廣角鏡頭、望遠鏡頭甚至裝上偏光鏡讓天空更藍、水面反光消失吧?而且最好外殼可以讓人一看就知道【我是文青攝影控】,嘿嘿!現在這【Snap!Pro】iPhone手機攝影保護殼就可以滿足這樣的需求啦!木頭把手、皮革吊繩,讓iPhone6/6s外形馬上變成文青相機,還有多種鏡頭可更換,有廣角、望遠、微距、偏光鏡、魚眼,真是應有盡有,超好看超好玩的!趕緊來看看吉米的開箱分享啦! Read more
The cameras built into smart phones are getting more and more capable and they have impacted sales of point-and-shoot cameras significantly. I still prefer using a dedicated camera instead of using my phone, and part of the reason is that using my phone doesn't feel the least bit like using...
大家都喜歡用 iPhone 拍照,但總覺得不那麼順手,例如兩隻手打橫拍照時,左手總會遮住音量鍵,單手拍照時,按鍵也不好按。除此之外,iPhone 照相鏡頭仍有極限,如果能拍出廣角和魚眼效果,那該有多好!事實上,過去市面上有不少 iPhone 外接鏡頭,已經能拍出漂亮美景與效果。但是來自台灣團隊得 bitplay,旗下推出的 Snap!Pro 很不一樣,它不但外觀文青,還是一副能照相的手機殼!除了能拍出多種效果,快門鍵還更好按。怎麼做到的? Read more
拿到SNAP!PRO的一瞬間,我的第一個反應就是「哇!,這個保護殼好漂亮啊」,在手機保護殼盛行的配件時代,少有就為了拍照而生的純粹配件,低調的黑色設計、原木質感的握把,光是外型就已經徹底地征服了我。 SNAP!PRO是一款具有觸感與質感的保護殼組,主要功能讓你在使用iPhone 6/6s時,不僅能保護手機,又能擁有絕佳的拍照持握感。 除了完善的手機保護功能,由於SNAP!PRO獨特的快門按鈕設計,讓iPhone的音量鍵(-)也就是相機的快門鍵,轉變成可以單手持握的拍攝方式,搭配上手腕帶的安全繩設計,免除了拍攝過程,晃動與碰撞的憂慮,畢竟iPhone可是昂貴的3C產品,非常精緻卻也極為脆弱。 Read more